South Pacific World Finals III – Brisbane, Queensland – 11/06/10

Event:  South Pacific World Finals III
Venue:  Brisbane International Speedway
Location:  Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Date:  November 6th, 2010
Photographer:  Darryl Smith

Lineup: Avenger Australia (Jim Koehler), Batman (Barry Gaunt), Extreme (Kreg Christensen), Freakshow (Gordon Buscall), Fuchs Oil (David Brown), Monster Patrol (Paul Shafer), Outback Thunda 1 (Peter Duffey), Outback Thunda 4 (Clive Featherby), Raptor’s Rampage (Corey Clarke), Samson (Dan Patrick), Scooby Doo (Hayden McLeary), Taz (Jaye Featherby) [Read more…]

Monsters Tour of Destruction – Kawana, Queensland – 10/02/10

Event:  Monsters Tour of Destruction
Venue:  Stockland Park
Location:  Kawana, Queensland, Australia
Date:  October 2nd, 2010
Photographer:  Darryl Smith

Lineup:  Avenger Australia (Corey Clarke), Freakshow (Kreg Christensen), Outback Thunda 1 (Hayden McLeary), Outback Thunda 3 (Clive Featherby), Raptor’s Rampage (Kreg Christensen), Scooby Doo (Billy Featherby), Taz (Jaye Featherby) [Read more…]

New Photos From Down Under

Look who’s back – TMB Contributor Darryl Smith from way down under has just submitted another great set of photos from the Australian Monsters Tour of Destruction!! The tour was in Lismore, New South Wales on July 24th and the Aussie fans saw a great show courtesy of Outback Thunda, Scooby Doo, Raptor’s Rampage, Batman and Avenger, with a backflip attempt by Kreg Christensen in Freakshow. Click the link below to check out all of the great shots, big thanks to Darryl for the awesome work!!


Monsters Tour of Destruction – Lismore, NSW – 07/24/10

Event: Monsters Tour of Destruction
Venue: Lismore Showgrounds
Location: Lismore, New South Wales
Date: July 24th, 2010
Photographer: Darryl Smith

Lineup:  Avenger (Hayden McLeary), Batman (Kreg Christensen), Freakshow (Kreg Christensen), Outback Thunda 1 (Clive Featherby), Raptor’s Rampage (Kreg Christensen), Scooby Doo (Clive Featherby) [Read more…]

Extreme Monster Trucks Australia Unveils The Freak Show

Extreme Monster Trucks Australia has unveiled their brand new monster truck, the Freak Show!! This is Australia’s first truck purpose built to perform backflips, rollover and other gimmick acts. The truck has been built by Kreg Christensen and the EMTA crew and will make its debut at the upcoming Cairns Speedway event this weekend in Queensland.

The truck features a body mounted in reverse in a similar style to that of the U.S. truck Backwards Bob and is outfitted with t-shirt launches, 12 multiple pyro cues, a colored smoke canister and flame effects. It also features a domed roof roll cage to help the truck roll back onto its wheels, along with lockers in the front and rear for intense cyclones. The truck’s concept and to be completed paint scheme is targeted towards the ages 5 to 10 market in Australia and plans are to also have a minature version of the truck that leads it out and performs rollovers as well.

The photos above show the completed truck and its new body as it heads out for its debut in Cairns. The paint scheme is not yet finished, as there are plans to add much more color to the design. A photo from testing of the new truck is also included as former Monster Patrol driver in the U.S. David Brown put it through its paces and gave the new ride a big thumbs up.

Kreg Christensen will be attempting to complete Australia’s first ever backflip at the Townsville Showgrounds on July 10th and again the following weekend at the Rockhampton Showgrounds. Clive Featherby will climb behind the wheel for his first attempt at the Lismore Showgrounds on July 24th and then he heads to the U.S. to debut his new machine from Patrick Enterprises in stateside competition.

A big thanks to everyone with Extreme Monster Trucks Australia for the updates and photos, be sure to check them out at for all the latest news and Monsters Tour of Destruction event information!!