Event: Monster Jam
Venue: Qualcomm Stadium
Location: San Diego, California
Date: January 22nd, 2011
Photographer: Susan Clemens Woolley, www.123EventPhotography.com
Lineup: Avenger (Jim Koehler), Batman (Norm Miller), Blue Thunder (Todd Leduc), Brutus (Chris Bergeron), El Toro Loco (Marc MacDonald), Grave Digger (Chad Tingler), Lucas Oil Crusader (Linsey Weenk), Maximum Destruction (Kreg Christensen), Monster Mutt (Joe Miller), Obsessed (Rick Swanson), Obsession (Jeff Jones), Shocker (Pat Gerber), Spike (Rich Hilgendorf), Superman (Chad Fortune), Terminator (Gary Schott), The Felon (Mark Schroeder), Time Flys (Kelvin Ramer), Wrecking Crew (Steve Koehler)
All content copyright TheMonsterBlog.com 2011.
I love watching Mark not only cuz he’s MY SON but he’s really very good.It gives me goose bumps watching all the neat things he does so in control of that wheel its not even funny and besides I get to see that way I don’t miss him near as much. I love you son take care
You know, it just seems to me that the term ART (if it even still exists) rstlues in one big feisty competition on this site. It just seems to be the case that the most people who copy and paste the same message over and over again to some stranger who has uploaded some new work to get their instant attention and gets the most votes shall then progress onto the Top 128 list. Now in my view (not sure about others) that to my mind is not sharing your creativity; no instead your putting propaganda in front rather than peoples TRUE, PROPER appreciation of the piece you have submitted for the competition. And when you give them the option to vote for you, I feel they have no choice but to say yeah okay, I will do. They would’nt want to let you down would they? What a disgrace, this really does shit on what art should really be about! And when you don’t win that ferocious dog eat dog competition, your not even on a list that are congratulating those who put in all their effort, determination and constant emailing to people to muster those every little helps’ votes! It’s not art, it’s pure politics.I also found that I lost the patience to even give messages to people in the end, it got quite boring to be honest. Yeah its alright a short while, but then you have other things to think about in your life. Why not cut the days to 10, that way you’ve got less time trying to fight and barge past other peoples entries, because I can tell you, 15 days is a lot to get to a 128 or below mark, besides you take into consideration those days that you don’t have time to send messages to people saying can you vote for my piece, that would be fantastic, oh here’s my link: .As for the selection of work, yes they are really fantastic and so full of detail, but it’s the same all the time, is there any extravagant perhaps alternative’ pieces that don’t recieve much regard? It makes the masterpieces seem as they tower or mock the ones that have a little voice in this art community. Can we please stamp out the mediocre, super/photo realistic, bourgeois,conventional, academic art that seems to have plagued this site. If that’s the case, then I best not try and upload anything that goes under Computer art’, because I know that it won’t stand a chance against a magnificent painting that’s full of incy wincy detail that already has the most views or the most outstanding comments and that’s going to win either way, so really why do I bother. It makes me and other fellow true, forward thinking, out of the box artists on this site look crap and insignificant! Please, its 2011, not the Great Masters period! It really is frustrating. I may or I may not do the next Showdown, I will see how I feel.Patrick.