Event: Monster X Tour
Venue: Lake Charles Civic Center
Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana
Date: February 22nd-23rd, 2013
Photographer: Matthew Ison
Lineup: Boogey Van (Zane Rettew), Bucked Up (Brad Keller), California Kid (Kevin Post), Odyssey Battery Bigfoot #11 (Kevin Koszala), Rock Star (Bill Payne), Stinger (Zane Rettew)
All content copyright TheMonsterBlog.com 2013.
cant wait till jonesboro
I attended the Saturday show and it was very good. It was my first time to see any of those trucks except Stinger and Boogie Van. MonsterX folks should know that the only reason my family and I drove 2 hours to the show was due to TMB. I wouldn’t know MonsterX existed if not for TMB. After seeing Rock Star on TMB TV a few times I knew I wanted to see Bill Payne in person if I got the chance. It had also been many years since I saw Bigfoot in person. I think the last Bigfoot I saw as Bigfoot 9 and it has just come out. Anyway, the show was good, especially the wheelie contest. Kevin Post in California Kid has greatly improved his driving since I first saw him drive on TMB TV earlier this year. Honestly, I thought he should have won the wheelie contest Saturday. I greatly appreciate Bill and others fixing Rock Star during a break in truck action. The truck performed every time it was supposed to. Hope you guys do not mind, I am using some of these great photos as my desktop background.
My grandson, my wife and I attended the friday show and we really enjoyed it. My grandson has never been to any show and for a 4 year old we thought it would be too much. Like the monster truck enthusiest he is, he never budged from his seat and I couldn’t have been given a million dollars for the expressions on his face. We now know that he isn’t scared and will take him to all monster truck shows that we can. My wife and I would like to thank the drivers and all people that put this event on, for it was truely a great show. Also now my grandson wants to be a monster truck driver , so i guess I should start saving my coins to by him one.
Thanks again for a truely rememberal event.