Video of the Week – 07/14/12

Week Ending: July 14th, 2012
Truck(s) Featured: Chalkboard Chuck (Michelle Simpson), E3 Spark Plugs Bigfoot #18 (Dan Runte), General Tire (Joe Nichter), Lucas Oil Stabilizer (Jeff Bursey), Outback Thunda (Clive Featherby), Raminator (Mark Hall), Rammunition (Mat Dishman), Star Marshal (Dave Radzierez), Vi-Cor Bigfoot #16 (Darron Schnell), XDP Diesel (Dave Radzierez)
Video Type: Promoter Video

Description: Highlights from the 25th Anniversary of the Bloomsburg, PA 4-Wheel Jamboree Nationals!


  1. Clive almost pulled off the backfilp

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