Event: 4-Wheel Jamboree
Venue: Indiana State Fairgrounds
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Date: September 17th, 2011
Videographer: Chris Parrish, Colby Marshall, Ross Z. Bonar, Michael Harry, Dustin Parks
Lineup: Airdog Diesel (Michelle Simpson), Avenger (Jim Koehler), Black Knight (“Hillbilly”/Brian Wright), Chalkboard Chuck (Bobby Holman), E3 Spark Plugs Bigfoot #16 (Dan Runte), General Tire (Chris Bergeron), Heavy Hitter (Derick Anson), Lucas Oil Stabilizer (Bobby Holman), Raminator (Mark Hall), Rammunition (Mat Dishman), Star Marshal (Dave Radzierez), Stomper (Joe Nichter)
TMB TV: ActionTracks Episode 2.12
All Content Copyright TheMonsterBlog.com 2011.
Great episode Chris! Im not a fan of “S” tracks but the racing was awesome. Great freestyle too. Good job! Thanks
Shoot, if I took a ride with Bigfooot, I’d ask Dan to do one of those long wheelies. (I met him at a Ford dealership in a suburb of the Dallas area in 1998 ) I also saw him win the Monster Jam in Dallas that same year.